Street Arts
Swoon — Back On The Streets Of London

Following the successful launch of her Murmuration installation at Black Rat Projects, Brooklyn based street artist Swoon took to the streets of East London with a number of large scale paste ups based on a number of images which featured in her first London solo show. Hookedblog managed to catch up with Swoon for a quick chat and a preview early in December just ahead of the opening of the Mumuration installation which saw the artist spend three weeks transforming the gallery space with large scale installations and her elaborate paper cuts.
Having spotted one of Swoon's street pieces on Thursday evening on Sclater Street, we hit the streets over the weekend with our camera and managed to photograph nine new street pieces from the artist. Hopefully some of these will last a little longer than this short lived piece which was only up for two days before getting removed!

The Murmuration installation runs until January 14 2012.
Black Rat Projects - Arch 461 - 83 Rivington St (through Cargo garden) -EC2A 3AY
Swoon's Street Art In Red Hook, Brooklyn
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Swoon Hits The Streets Of London
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Swoon Hits The Streets Of London — 02
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Heap Exbhition
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Street Arts