Street Arts
Sw. Rodzina - Targowa

the holy family?
Leonardo da Vinci painted The Virgin and Child with St Anne – I recreated the composition and changed only the models – used two modern girls. The picture became controversial in Poland, the viewers didn’t see the original meaning anymore, they replaced it with their own interpretation. So the cultural and social context influences the reception of the painting, changes its meaning. In the original they were two female saints, but now they were perceived as two lesbians.
- from the street up – Interview with street artist YOLA October 12, 2015 Art, art featured, Books, Books featured, Culture, Culture featured words Mia KriklerA piece of...
____________________________________________________________________ Polish-born, London-based Jola Kudela has serious street cred — quite literally.A digital effects and animation specialist is also part-time traveling paste-up artist. Paste-up...
a bit of social commentary on the recent debate about gay marriage in Australia - Piero de la Francesca & Virgin and child with St.Anne ______________________________Piero de la Francesca ______________________________Virgin...
Vicious Circle Buenos Aires
One city. A handful of friends. Many different nationalities. One common aim - Vicious Circle in Buenos Aires. The meaning of the original painting “Vicious Circle” by a Polish Symbolist painter Jacek Malczewski,...
Umierajacy Chrystus - Brzeska
Based on the painting by Andrea Mantegna Lamentation of Christ. The original it’s a religious piece, quoted in all the art-books as the best example of introducing perspective in painting. Here it has a new meaning, It talks about the ethnic appropriation...
Street Arts