Street Art in East London — 09
Street Arts

Street Art in East London — 09

It's been a few weeks since we posted one of these. Here is a selection of works we photographed over the last few days. First up is a new shutter from Cept pictured above and located just opposite Hoxton Station.
Paul Insect tagging the street.
We managed to photograph the fourth Swoon piece she put up in London on her recent trip to the city. If you missed her first three street pieces you can see our photos here. (Thanks to the guys over at Graffoto for their assistance.) Below is a close up of Swoon above featuring some of the detail contained within the piece.

- Swooning All Over Again In London
At the end of September we stumbled upon a beautiful life-sized woodblock wheat-pasted poster from Brooklyn based artist Swoon (covered here). Shortly after posting about the new piece we left for the Avant-Garde Urbano festival in Spain and assumed...

- Swooning In The Sunshine
We have been indoors most of the weekend and what with the wonderful sunny day here in London this afternoon we went for a stroll around the neighbourhood with our camera in tow to catch up on any new works that might have gone up over the weekend. We...

- London Street Art — Edition 25
It would appear the whole blogsphere is taking about the new Banksy streets works in Bristol, Liverpool and London. As some of them have been removed/buffed/ defaced already and they have been posted on just about every other blog, we thought we would...

- Swoon Hits The Streets Of London — 02
More Swoon news today. We told you we were big fans of the artists here at Hookedblog! And as promised yesterday, we were up early this morning to get some better shots of the three large scale Swoon pieces we found. Still no sign of the fourth piece...

- East London Street Art
Cept, by invisiblemadevisibleSome new photos up over on the invisiblemadevisible flickr including this fantastic piece from Cept. This new Cept piece pictured replaces one his his super heros charcater's and was painted in response to supposed complaints...

Street Arts
