STIK Solo Show @ Lava Gallery - 26th May - 4th June
Street Arts

STIK Solo Show @ Lava Gallery - 26th May - 4th June

STIK SOLO SHOW @ Lava Gallery

Opening Party: Thursday, 26th May from 6- 9.30pm 
Exhibition: 27th May - 4th June 2011
LAVA Gallery 1.11 Kingly Court, Carnaby Street, London, W1B 5PW, United Kingdom


Stik's playful, minimalist characters pop up all over London, brightening up the city's darkest corners. Both on the street and in the studio, Stik continues to explore subtle variations in the gesture and pose of his characters. These seemingly simple figures are capable of conveying complex emotions, often appearing melancholic or despairing but occasionally finding humour in the bleak urban landscape. We have invited Stik to preside over the lat solo show at the space in Kingly Court. The show will include some large scale paintings, along with a new edition of his hugely popular mini canvases.


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Street Arts
