Stick it up: Shoreditch Street Art Stickers Edition 4
Street Arts

Stick it up: Shoreditch Street Art Stickers Edition 4

Hookedblog Instagram but we have not been sharing them her on the blog as often as we should as this is only our fourth collection of London stickers we have sharing on the site.

So here is our latest collection of what grabbed our attention recently , some are screen printed others had drawn, some super luxury screen printed vinyl stickers and VillianArt warm stickers are a new one for us! Have a look at the selection below which features Invader, ROIDS, Aida, Villian Art and more.

  ROIDS_HOOKEDBLOG_7882_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEYROIDS Sticker. Sticker_Unknown_HOOKEDBLOG_8195_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEY Sticker_Unknown_HOOKEDBLOG_7867_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEY Sticker_Unknown_HOOKEDBLOG_7742_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEY AIDA_HOOKEDBLOG_7799_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEY'Daddy I Want A F**king Pony' sticker by AIDA(Previously on Hookedblog) VillianArt_HOOKEDBLOG_7608_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEY VillianArt_HOOKEDBLOG_7611_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEYClose up of VillianArt's yarn bombed sticker. Sticker_Unknown_HOOKEDBLOG_8304_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEY Sticker_Unknown_HOOKEDBLOG_8291_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEYInvader_HOOKEDBLOG_9741_PHOTO_©2016_MARK_RIGNEYInvader Was Here Sticker

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Street Arts
