Street Arts
Spring Offering Mural by Bailon, Sliks & Jimmy C

Following their successful joint exhibition Naturally Unstable with Dope Gallery last week in Shoreditch, South American artists Mateus Bailon and Rafael Sliks took to the streets of London over the long Bank Holiday weekend. Friday saw fellow Brazilian artist Cranio who is also in London (covered here) join the two artists on a collaborative mural in Bethnal Green (photos to follow) for Global Street Art's Colour the Capital project. Spending the day working on this mural it was Saturday that saw Bailon and Sliks set about tackling this huge wall at the end of Hanbury street in East London.
Whitewashing the wall earlier in the week a number of the locals mistook the two artists in their matching boiler suits as workers from the council, employed to buff the wall clean. Many were happy on hearing the duo were in fact artists who would be creating one large cohesive mural across the entire wall, although there were some concerns among one or two locals that this new work would not be up to the standard of the previous smaller works that they had enjoyed seeing at the location. We assured them that the new work would be a much better use of this large scale wall and suggested they return to see the finished piece.

Once work began on the vast space Sliks and Bailon soon realised the mammoth task they had taken on and made the decision to invite London based Australian street artist Jimmy C to join them in creating the mural. This is not the first time Jimmy C has worked with Sliks, the two artists previously collaborated on a piece last year in São Paulo, Brazil and with their signature styles working very well together it made sense for them to work with him again on this mural.

Drawing inspiration from the blooming trees opposite the mural, Jimmy C set about creating a desert like landscape dotted with a series of Cherry Blossom style trees to join Sliks large scale alien character and Bailon's flock of birds. Two full days of work and some few thousand photographs taken by the crowds who gathered to watch the three at work and the mural was complete. Following some discussion as to the title for the finished mural, the three artists agreed that the piece should be named a 'Spring Offering'.

The completed 'Spring Offering' mural featuring the work of all three artists is located at the bottom of Hanbury Street, just off Brick Lane and was created with assistance from Bricklane1.
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Street Arts