Say Something Nice
Street Arts

Say Something Nice

For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we placed a lectern with a megaphone on it in public places around NYC. Attached to the lectern was a sign that read " Say Something Nice".

This is what New Yorkers had to say...

I couldn't help myself and had to go up to share some love as well!

- Gotta Share!
For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we broke out into a musical at the GEL Conference.We had a fake speaker get up and introduce a fake new social networking site called twirlr. When he asks the audience to turn off their cell phones, an audience...

- The Tourist Lane
For our latest Improv Everywhere mission, our friend Jeff had a funny idea to create separate lanes on the sidewalk with chalk for tourists and New Yorkers. New Yorkers are known for always racing to their destination and since people from out of town...

- Fly Away
We're on our way to Spain!Anyone here live in Barcelona? We're going to be doing an Improv Everywhere mission called the MP3 experiment. Read about the details here and join us. I'd love to meet you and take some fun pictures! See you guys...

- Improv Everywhere
The Improv Everywhere book is out today! If you're interested in what goes on behind the scenes of our pranks, definitely check it out!Matty and I even have our own little sections.Also, Improv Everywhere's annual Mp3 Experiment is taking place...

- Hair
Last year I cut my hair off. It was kind of a big deal for me because I was so attached to my long hair! The thought of even cutting off an inch would make me tear up. Then one day I woke up and realized ... Isn't that silly?So I went over to a hair...

Street Arts
