Street Arts
Represent Exhibition

Portraiture goes to the heart of how we relate to other people. When we look into someone’s eyes, we try to see what they really think, what we think we have in common and how we can understand them...
Represent brings together a group of contemporary artists whose work deals with exactly these issues. Each artist has strived to develop their own unique approach to portraiture, a field of art once reserved for those who were important or rich enough to afford it, but now treated as a means for contemporary artists to explore the diverse issues that affect today’s fragmented society. Each artist paints portraits as a kind of social activity, to try to understand that other person and in the process to make their own mark in the social network.
A fund raising exhibition in aid of the S.H.P art projects, helping to promote social inclusion in London through the creative arts. The show has a fantastic line up of artists including: GAVIN NOLAN / SWOON / GUY DENNING / MATT SMALL / YUKO NASU / ELBOWTOE / ROB SAMPLE / BEST EVER / ZACH WALSH / PETER MICHEAL / LABRONA / DAVID WALKER / DALE GRIMSHAW / JOHNATHAN DARBY / GEORGE M CLARK / CHRISTOPHER ROSS / CASE / LEON BILLING
Private view November 5th 6pm - 9pm
Blackall Studios | 73 Leonard Street | London | EC2
Swoon Hits The Streets Of London — 02
More Swoon news today. We told you we were big fans of the artists here at Hookedblog! And as promised yesterday, we were up early this morning to get some better shots of the three large scale Swoon pieces we found. Still no sign of the fourth piece...
November Art Openings First Thursday
We are away for a few days and not sure what our internet connection will be like so it might be a little quiet here for a few days. It's typical that will will be away later today Thursday 05th on what looks set to one of the busiest nights in London...
Ways Of Seeing @ Black Rat Press Gallery
Last blog post of the day and this looks set to be a good one. Black Rat Press present "Ways Of Seeing" a show features works by Swoon, Matt Small and Brian Adam Douglas aka Elbow Toe. It will explore the different approaches of these three contemporaries...
Big Issue Art Exhibition
Opening today Saturday 9th August, 4pm at Black Rat Press a charity show in aid of the Big Issue Foundation. In what must be one of the most impressive line ups of the year 40 artists have kindly donated works to this show and all proceeds go towards...
Eleven: group Show Of Eleven Contemporaries
Leonard Street Gallery re-opens its door after the very successful Blek Le Rat exhibition with a new show "ELEVEN" opening on the 9th March. The show will bring together eleven of the most exciting contemporary artists from across the world, many of whom...
Street Arts