Street Arts
Prefab77 - Living For Kicks

New print release from Prefab77. This is the third print release from their "Shot at from both Sides" american show last year. Titled "Lving for Kicks" the print is an edition of 30, 2 colour gloss screenprint with the usual Prefab77 hand painted layers! 56x76cm in size on Arches 88 with deckled edge. The print is available on pre-order at this email address
[email protected]k for £70.
Blu — New Print Release
This news should make a few people happy, italian artist Blu is set to release a new print through print house Studiocromie. The new screenprint image pictured, is based on a large scale outdoor piece the artist painted back in November last year in...
David Choe / Prefab77 Prints
To round up David Choe's hugely successful show 'Nothing to Declare' with Lazarides in LA, they are releasing 'I Like My Waffles Sprinkled with Deep Throat Tears', the first of three new prints which will be available on Lazarides...
Nick Walker’s Morning After Series
New Print from Nick Walker set to drop soon, this from Black Rat Press:Black Rat Press is delighted to be publishing the latest edition from Nick Walker’s Morning After Series. TMA Moscow is a 16 colour hand pulled screenprint and is our favourite TMA...
Mike Egan Print Release
The BLDG Gallery will be releasing their first print tomorrow with Pittsburgh artist, Mike Egan. Mike's work is straightforward and conveys so much emotion and meaning to its viewer. His work deals with humanity, life, death and religion. This is...
Know Hope Print Release
what we did to get by, by this is limboTomorrow the 10th July at 12pm will see the release of 'What we did to get by" a new print being released by Know Hope a street artist from Tel Aviv, Israel. Paperworks Lab who are releasing the print via their...
Street Arts