Street Arts
Poster Cause Project- Haiti Relief Posters

Last week we blogged about the DALEK, PATRICIO OLIVER and SHANE JESSUP posters that were released over on the The Poster Cause Project website. The posters were to raise funds to support the Haiti relief efforts with 100% OF PROFITS from the prints donated to Doctors Without Borders.
Having just checked their website again we see they have now released another 14 posters from various artists, designers and illustrators. Works from Build, Eboy, Jon Burgerman, Sergio Mora and Conor & David to name a few.

The posters are being sold though The Poster Cause Project bigcartel online shop. They are only $15 each so go get one or few and help support this good cause.
- Full Color 6" x 11" print on coated stock
- Open Edition with ALL profits going to Doctors Without Borders
-$15 each
The prints are available here.
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Elph Print For Gamma Proforma
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Street Arts