Street Arts

It you haven't had the chance yet there is still time to check the first UK one man show by PHIL FROST entitled "SEEING IS BELIEVING" which opened on 19th October and has caught the attention of both the press and collectors alike.
Elms Lesters Painting Romms have had PHIL FROST painting in the historic painting studios above the gallery for the last three weeks and they are now in the position of being able to rehang the gallery with extraordinary new pieces from monumental barn doors to beautiful small drawings on paper. In addition they are showing, for the first time in UK, a short film made in 1996 by Alex Rappaport entitled "Standpipe Siamese and the adventures of Frost"
The show runs until 18th November and the opening hours are Monday -
Saturday 12.00 - 6.00pm with late night opening on Thursdays 'til 9.00pm
Photo by Chris Osburn
Small, Medium And Large
Following the success of the PAINTINGS, POTS AND PRINTS exhibition in August, Elms Lester Painting Rooms is set to open this week. with its newest show "Small, Medium and Large". This exhibition will give visitors a unique and unmissable opportunity...
Not To Be Missed
Last chance to see the ELMS LESTERS PAINTING ROOMS current show titled " IN SELECTED STORES ONLY..." I was blown away by the large scale paintings Adam Neate has created for the show as well as the new Lister canvasses. The show also features work from...
In Selected Stores Only Exhibition
ELMS LESTERS PAINTING ROOMS new show titled " IN SELECTED STORES ONLY..." opens to the public today. If you are in London you need to see this show. I attended the private view yersterday and there were some fantastic pieces of work on show. I was blown...
Lister In Selected Stores
Heres one for your diaries next month, ELMS LESTERS PAINTING ROOMS kick off 2007 with a new show titled " IN SELECTED STORES ONLY..." The forthcoming show will feature new works from five top contemporary urban artists each a master of their chosen medium....
Phil Frost : Elms Lesters Painting Rooms
SEEING IS BELIEVING, a one man show by PHIL FROST opens this week at The Elms Lesters Painting Rooms. Phil Frost is a self taught artist who served his apprenticeship during the 90s creating elaborate installations on the street of New York. Locations...
Street Arts