Street Arts
Otherside - Exhibition hosted by Artist Stik

Artist Stik has gathered a number of street artists together to present their works in an artist friendly environment such as The Arts Pavilion. There's some really nice work down there so make sure you get down this week from Wednesday - Sunday 12pm -6pm You dont know who you'll find painting until you get there...
Otherside @ The Arts Pavilion, Mile End Park, Clinton RD (Off Grove RD) London E3 5BH
[email protected]LSD Interview with Stik in coming issue of LSD - London Street-Art Design Issue Three
Stik Hunt - Mayfair Tonight
Artist Stik has created mini Stik figures as free giveaways to draw attention to the Homeless at Christmas. The plan is to leave the Stik figures around Mayfair for people to take home. The Stik Hunt begins at 7pm so if your over that way keep your...
Artist: Stik - Solo Show (interview)
LSD Magazine interviews artist Stik for the next issue and then decided to make this short film... Stik (solo show on now) @ The At Pavilion, Clinton RD, London E3 5BH Dec 5th - 20th / Time: 12-6pm (closed mondays) LSD London Street Art Design -
Stik At The Art Pavilion - Solo Show December
Stik at the Art Pavilion (Urban Art / Interactive installation) Dec 5th – 20th 2009 / 12- 6pm (closed Mondays). Mile-End Art Pavilion, Clinton Road (off Grove Road), Tower Hamlets, E9 5BH. Tel: 077 587 51170 Email:
[email protected] Entry:...
Otherside Of The Wall - Exhibition
Masked figures with spray-cans glinting in the darkness have long journeyed through the east-end to the austere walls of the rail arches in mile end, an underground showcase of unofficial art. Now, in broad daylight, the elegant new Arts Pavilion opens...
Stik - London Solo Show
We blogged about Stik last week and his 'Diva' print release here.We have just recieved an email from him to share with us details of his first London solo show opening on the 5th December. The show will run until the 20th December at the Mile-End...
Street Arts