Street Arts

To celebrate the launch of Swoon's fleet of ships on the Hudson river, Paper Monster has released a beautiful new Swoon print "Switchback Sisters". All proceeds from this print will go to help those involved in the traveling exhibition "Swimming Cities of Switchback Sea" which runs from August 15th through September 7th.
Swimming Cities of Switchback Sea is a flotilla of seven intricately hand crafted vessels that will navigate the stretch of the Hudson River between Troy and the New York harbor this August 15th - September 7th. Imagined as a hybrid between boats and bits of land mass broken off and headed out to sea, the Switchback vessels will make stops in towns along the river bringing performances and music. Over the course of three weeks they will make their way toward their home port - an invented landscape tucked into a niche along the East River in Long Island City, Queens. More info on the project here.
Above is a detailed section of the print which is 11 x 32 Inches and silkscreen Ink and Stain on Archival Paper. See the full print image here
Swoon Video From 2007
An old clip from 2007, but a good one none the less if you have not seen it. It features Swoon discussing the Swimming Cities of Switchback Sea project she was involved with. via Black Rat Projects....
Faile — Ecstasy Print
Paper Monster have just released this beautiful print from New York artists Faile. This new print is based on an original the Faile guys fell in love with and decided to make into a larger edition. The edition was printed at their studio in Brooklyn...
Swoon Book
We have been meaning to post this for a week or two now and have just got around around to taking some pictures. We are massive fans of Swoons work and don't know why we haven't come across this book before. While not exactly new, the book was...
Ways Of Seeing @ Black Rat Press Gallery
Last blog post of the day and this looks set to be a good one. Black Rat Press present "Ways Of Seeing" a show features works by Swoon, Matt Small and Brian Adam Douglas aka Elbow Toe. It will explore the different approaches of these three contemporaries...
Eine & Cept Prints
To celebrate the opening of the new gallery space on Rivington Street, Stella Dore Gallery have released the Eine – Exciting screen print edition. This "Exciting " print is and edition of 150, 70x 70cm, two-colour hand pulled screen print printed on...
Street Arts