Street Arts
Michael Konrad UNOCCUPIED currently at AIRspace
Reign Free, 2012 by Michael Konrad (tent made from reconstructed umbrella canopies) click here for additional images of the exhibition |
UNOCCUPIED, a solo exhibition of new sculpture, photography and installation is now on view at 40th Street AIRspace through March 30.
Thanks to everyone who came out to the opening!
If you didn't make it, the gallery hours are every Friday in March from 3-7pm.
Alternatively, you may view the exhibition by appointment (call 917-318-0380).
Illuminations: Selected Work By Artists From Local State-funded Art Centers
Representing participants of: PDDC's Cultural Art Center Oasis Art Center (RHD) Center for Creative Works (RHD) Outside the Frame Collective (CIS) This exhibition, curated by a number of our current residents, highlights artwork by participants...
The Past Is Over: An Exhibition Of Illuminated Assemblages By Mike Harpring; Opens Fri June 14!
EXHIBITIONThe Past is Over: An exhibition of Illuminated assemblages by Mike Harpring On display June 14 - 29, 2013 at 40th Street AirSpace Gallery, 4007 Chestnut St., First FloorOpening Reception: Friday, June 14, 2013. 6 - 9pmGallery...
The Cyclenauts At Kensignton Kinetic Sculpture Derby And Exchange Exhibition
Resident artist Michael Konrad and alumni artist Jim Garvey teamed up with youth from Neighborhood Bike Works in Philadelphia to design and build a rideable "flying saucer" sculpture for the 2012 Kensington Kinetic Sculpture Derby. The kids, dubbing...
Unoccupied Reviewed By The Art Blog
UNOCCUPIED has received a nice review from The Art Blog: At Fortieth Street AIR, which is always engaged with Philadelphia artists, the gallery this month, is graced by work from current resident-artist Michael Konrad. He is continuing his exploration...
Michael Konrad: Artist-in-residence
Above: 2011-2012 40th Street artist Michael Konrad is sheltered by his sleeping bag sculpture made from recycled plastic. For more photos and details about the project, visit Michael Konrad's sculptures...
Street Arts