Street Arts
LSD Magazine Issue 3 - Weapons of Mass Creation

LSD Issue 3 – Weapons of Mass Creation is spiraling its way through cyberspace to a liquid crystal near you… Absolutely heaving with spectacularly subversive and explosively colourful creativity, delving into its pages is like being smacked round the head with a particularly soulful combine harvester and kissing sunshine on the trip. Dripping with transcendental art and rolling on the bassline of possibility we’re starting to hit our stride with the magazine and would like to thank every one of you for being part of the mission. Featured artists and writers in this issue are far too numerous to mention right here right now – so just get downloading, have a wicked Christmas, Big Big love to you and yours and see you on the other side
Wayne Anthony (Class of 88) and Sirius 23
Lsd Magazine - New Facebook Page - Join Us!
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Lsd Magazine - Viral Montage 101 / Mag Online
Lsd Press Release 101
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Street Arts