LSD Magazine Interviews - Muro (Issue 5)
Street Arts

LSD Magazine Interviews - Muro (Issue 5)

Bilbao born artist Muro has evolved out of straight up lettering into an astonishingly diverse and vibrant set of styles. Globetrotting from Europe to Senegal with cans in hand - his bizarre menagerie of surrealist wonder is truly the stuff that brings the concrete to life and sets the imagination flowing. Hampered by a language barrier on the interview front - we did a Q+A, but have tried to cram in as many images as possible into the piece......

Self taught or art school? 

Self taught 

How long you been painting and what influenced your decision to paint on the streets? 

Since 2000, influenced by the 90´s Barcelona scene  

Are artists safe from arrest in your city? 

Absolutelly yes, I´m actually living in a small town where graffiti has a good reception by the people. 

How important is street art and graffiti in your city? 

Not enought, it´s never enought. 

You’ve painted in many countries, how do you decide on what country to visit next? 

Sometimes I receive a invitation to paint in a foreing city and other times I go where I want.  

More and more artists are travelling to paint in Africa, how did Senegal respond to an artist painting on their streets? 

It´s always a surprise, they are very opened to receive people and treated me very good, maybe they're inocence makes them better people than us. 

Street art graffiti in most cities has a very short shelf life before someone goes over it or get buffed, do you have the same problem in your cities and how do you personally respond? 

I try to not get affected by this acctions because everybody knows that graffiti is a ephemeral art, but sometimes I get angry and painted again over it.


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Street Arts
