Street Arts
London Street Art Photo Roundup — Edition 31

We somehow missed posting a photo round up last month, so here is our first London street art photo round up of the new year . This edition features a selection of paste-ups, stickers and anything else that has grabbed our attention recently. Pictured above is some laser cutter plastic acrylic featuring the work from illustrator Andrew Denholm. Also in this edition is work from Brooklyn based artist RAE who's first UK solo show opens this Thursday evening at The Signal Gallery.


Paste-ups from London artist A.ce

Super sized baby dolls paste-up pieces from Irish artist Canvaz.

London artist Mobstr has been having some fun recently with Hackney Council's graffiti removal team with this ongoing Buff Buff Buff wall.

Bortusk Leer has been hitting the streets over the holidays with his crazed neon coloured monsters, there are a whole bunch of them out there so keep your eyes open.

Above is one of a number of large woodcut pieces on paper from Dale Grimshaw pasted up around Shoreditch.
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Street Arts