Street Arts

A refreshingly edgy and exciting art fair bursts onto London’s arts scene this week. Kounter Kulture, an Opus Art production, offers a launch pad for new and established international talent. Kounter Kulture is all about the art, the artists and a sense of discovery - bringing the essence of London’s arts week back to its roots.
For those reaching stalemate with the usual suspects at Frieze, the artistic offering at Kounter Kulture provides a welcome relief. The free art fair, spread across 11,500 square feet of the Truman Brewery offers a variety of artists to fit all tastes, with areas dedicated to Urban Art, Contemporary, Recent Graduates, Chinese Contemporary and the very best from the print world. Artists include Stuart Semple, Ju$t Another Rich Kid, Miss Bugs, Pure Evil, Hush, Wang Jie, Rob Carter, Josie McCoy, Justine Smith, Will Tuck and Dave White.
Truman Brewery - T3 and T4 (Wilkes St entrance)
146 Brick Lane | London, E1|
11-6pm 15 – 19 October 2008
Private View 14 Oct, 7pm, Truman Brewery
Buenos Aires Artist Mart Aire Returns To London
Argentinian artist Mart Aire has been on a four month Europeon tour and returned to London this week before he heads home to South America. We last heard from the artist back in July when he stopped over in London en route to Blackpool for this years...
Obey Sample Sale
The Obey Christmas Sample Sale is happening this weekend, 19th December - 21st December. Starting at 11.30am and rolling through until Sunday 5.30pm. They will back in their regular spot within the The Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, next t o the barrier...
Dave White Exhibition
Also at the Truman Brewery as part of Frieze week is the exhibition 'Planes, Tanks and Automatics' by “This series explores the dynamism of dogfights, tank warfare and moments of frozen tension as grenades fly, guns unload, explosions burst,...
Obey Clothing Sample Sale
Obey Clothing sample sale at The Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, East London for 3 days starting this coming Friday (21st Dec07) at 11am. Rumour has it that there may be some Shepard Fairey Ltd Edition prints for sale. Friday 21st December 11am - 7pm...
Dave Kinsey - 'enviromethodolgy' Show
Following on from the success of the Conor Harrington show, stolenspace | The Dray Walk Gallery | The Old Truman Brewery | 91 Brick Lane | London E1 6QL The exhibition opens on the 31st and will run for two weeks only, closing on the 13th April. The...
Street Arts