Street Arts
Kinetic Sculpture Derby Class at Neighborhood Bike Works: Learning the Tools!
Students learn about motion by building simple machine mobiles out of cardboard and rubber bands (and markers for flair!). |
Bevan teaches the hand drill... |
...while Lili instructs on the drill press (Safety goggles down!). |
Students learning about non-verbal communication and building teamwork! |
Sorting Skittles by color without words or sight! Challenging! |
Classroom time! |
Visit Neighborhood Bike Works at:
Neighborhood Bike Works 3/21/14
My name is Veronica Jones, the 40th Street AIR intern, and I made a visit to the Neighborhood Bike Works at 39th and Locust last Friday. The kids are currently working on a kinetic bike sculpture. I came in during snack time and this was conducive...
Video From 2013 Kinetic Sculpture Class Available (partnership Between Air And Neighborhood Bike Works).
2012-2013 Resident Mike Harpring co-taught a Kinetic Sculpture Class for area youth at Neighborhood Bike Works as part of his community outreach project. The three month course introduced participants to kinetic sculpture through a variety of workshops...
The Cyclenauts At Kensignton Kinetic Sculpture Derby And Exchange Exhibition
Resident artist Michael Konrad and alumni artist Jim Garvey teamed up with youth from Neighborhood Bike Works in Philadelphia to design and build a rideable "flying saucer" sculpture for the 2012 Kensington Kinetic Sculpture Derby. The kids, dubbing...
Resident Jim Garvey's Circles And Circuits Opens On Friday March 11, 2011
40th Street Artist-in-Residence Jim Garveyopens his new showCircles and Circuits Contact:
[email protected] Jim GarveyCircles and Circuits opening Friday, March 11th, 2011 5-9pm also on display Fridays March 18 and...
40th Street Artist-in-residence Program Has Received A $3,000 Sci-west Community Grant Award!
Great news! SCI-West has just informed us that we have received $3,000 to collaborate with Neighborhood Bike Works (NBW). Two of our resident artists have already begun working with NBW, using art as a medium for engagement with youth in particular. This...
Street Arts