Irish Street Artist Karma - Brand New Piece in Amsterdam
Street Arts

Irish Street Artist Karma - Brand New Piece in Amsterdam

We received these shots at 3.33am this morning. The paint isn't even dry as Irish street artist Karma continues his tour of Amsterdam. We love Call to Actions of this kind as it directly involves the viewer who can either chose to ignore or take action. We don't care if its been stenciled, painted, sprayed or spread across a wall in wallpaper. If it helps inspire another human being then we'll support that street action. Long may you avoid {cough*} 'erm the other fellas {cough*}... The Streets are Yours...

Nice One Karma


- Irish Street Artist Karma In Amsterdam (homegrown)
This is brand new work from artist Karma, so new in fact, we received the email after he'd done it at 05.27am this morning. So this is the first public glimpse of the pieces unless a shed-load of people have already been there this morning!!! ...

- Karma On Prowl In Streets Of Amsterdam
This work is so fresh that the artist hasn't even woke up from painting it last night (friday) Irish street art sensation Karma is currently on the prowl in Holland's Amsterdam. We're not sure how long he's there but we're gonna try...

- Irish Street Artist Karma - Crimbo In Ireland
Currently featured in the latest issue (6) is an interview with Irish street artist Karma. The lad is well known throughout Ireland and a friend of LSD Magazine. We'll be blogging the stuff he does between issues so keep coming back for more... ...

- A Visual Feast — Irish Street Art Book
The Irish economy might be in dire straits at the moment but hasn't deterred Rua Meegan and Laurenn Teeling who have just compiled Irelands first Street Art book. A Visual Feast — Irish Street Art was launched last Thursday night in Dublin's...

- Copyright — Equal Opposites
Equal Opposites will present a brand new body of work by the artist C.R.Thomas aka Copyright. Newton’s law states that ‘every action has an equal and opposite reaction’, Copyright explores this notion, but in a metaphysical sense. He explores the...

Street Arts
