Street Arts
INVADER hits Old Street

Keep your eyes peeled and be sure and look up. Space Invader has recently been in London and installed lots of new pieces around the city. So far I have spotted about 5 new pieces around the Old Street / Shoreditch area. Will post some pictures of them on my Invisiblemadevisible flickr account when I upgrade to a pro account.
French Street Artist Invader Installs New 8-bit Mosaic, Kicking Off The Ninth Invasion Of London,uk
London — There was excitement yesterday among the London street art community as news and images began appearing online hinting at a visit from the elusive French Artist Invader. Known globally for his pixelated space invader street mosaics' which...
Invader Launches Flashinvaders App
Having built his career around the pixellation of 1970s 8-bit video games it was inevitable that the Paris based street artist Invader would release his own game. Using mobile phone technology Invader has created the 'FlashInvaders' app, a reality...
Invader Invades London Again!
Hookedblog spotted some fresh looking Invader vinyl stickers yesterday evening and suspected that the French street artist might be in London. This was confirmed this morning when we spotted two new mosaic street pieces from Invader, one a rectangular...
Invisiblemadevisible Flickr Update August 2009
Tizer, by invisiblemadevisibleSome new pictures just added to the Invisiblemadevisible flickr, including some Invader street pieces, this awesome Tizer piece pictured above and some flying cock stencils which seem to have popped up over night all over...
Invader On The Streets Of London
Invader, by invisiblemadevisibleLooks like Invader managed to find some time to hit up the streets of London. Here is one of the large pieces we spotted in East London. We know that there are 3 in East London that have been sighted and a new one has...
Street Arts