Street Arts
Footwear 4 Da New Generation PT.1
We've been searching the internet for items our readers might like to own or at the very least become inspired to create their own unique products. We've found some folks that have produced their own ranges of footwear.

AP x SonyATV I Fought the Law Official Collection by remo_camerota
See more Sony Keds Shoes

froddobie by jiveafro
See other Doobie Keds Shoes

Google_Z, MaybeProbablyLogo_alonePurple by jiveafro
View more Watercolor Keds Shoes

Monkey Bizness-JGAD by jiveafro
Make your own Keds sneakers on Zazzle

The Rhetoric of Misery & Mystery Was Transparent A by faticadesigns
Browse Artsprojekt Keds Shoes

Yellow SF & Oakland Graffiti Trucks Prokeds by robgreenleaf
View more Artsprojekt Keds Shoes

SHOES · My baby shot me down by Cintia_Gonzalvez
More Artsprojekt Keds Shoes

Dragonflylady by Rfarrelldesign
Design custom sneakers with Zazzle

New Creature Men's Shoe by pandapad_ap
See other Artsprojekt Keds Shoes

I love by valeriamaggiani
View other Artsprojekt Keds Shoes
Shoe Makeover
See these sad, worn out looking shoes?They've been working really hard lately so they definitely deserve a makeover.I traced a heart shape onto two pieces of red felt, cut them out,and then sewed them together.I cleaned up my shoes, gave them a well...
Art Cards 4 You Pt.1
Since we're on a roll and posted listings of other cool items to own, we thought it best we researched and posted some arty cards for all occasions. Instead of going to big stores buying cards that everyone else has received at some point in their...
Cool T-shirts - Pt.1
Team LSD are all about creativity and by that we mean all creative art forms. Our general mission is to bring out the artists in everyone we can and encourage them to produce their own art forms. Summer is coming and we've found some T-Shirts...
MÜdwig Dans @ Jagbags
Jaguar Shoes present a new exhibition of work by illustrator, street artist and all round top bloke MÜDWIG DANS this Thursday 29th. Titled "PAULUS’ TÄBL-UNSELLABLE’ [THE PEDIGREE® CHUM REJECTS]" expect to see some super fresh imagery. See ye there....
Spookernox Launch Party!
The Eagle Doesn't Capture Flies!: An exhibition of Illustration, Graphic Art and Sound opening this evening, Thursday 15th at Dream Bags, Jaguar Shoes. Dream Bags, Jaguar Shoes. 34-36 Kingland Road, Shoreditch....
Street Arts