Street Arts

With the show opening later this week, Faile hit the streets of London last night with some new paste ups.
Faile — Prints + Originals Uk Book Launch
We spoke about the forthcoming Faile book 'Faile — Prints + Originals 199-2009' last week and the special signed edition that Paper Monster had for sale.{Blogged here}. It looks like a UK launch for the book is now planned to take place on the...
Faile — Ecstasy Print
Paper Monster have just released this beautiful print from New York artists Faile. This new print is based on an original the Faile guys fell in love with and decided to make into a larger edition. The edition was printed at their studio in Brooklyn...
Faile Interview On Fecal Face
Keeping it on the New York tip, Manuel Bello interviews Faile over at Fecal Face, just before the drop of their super covert New York City show set to open tomorrow,Thursday, June 7th. Read the interview here.
Faile Exhibition @ Lazarides Gallery
If you have been reading this blog for any length you will know we are big fans of Faile's work. We were delighted last week when we heard that they were having a show here in London. FAILE is an international collective of artists, famed for their...
Spank The Monkey Show
Opening earlier in this week the 'Spank the Monkey' is an international exhibition of urban and street art held at the BALTIC art gallery in Gateshead on the quayside and also on the streets of Newcastle-upon-Tyne & Gateshead. The show includes...
Street Arts