Street Arts

Dutch based artist Erosie has got himself a blog. Keep a eye on this as it will be awesome. If you are not familiar with Erosie's work then head over to his website and have a look. Erosie originally started his career in the early 90's as a "classic" graffiti writer. Having carved an impressive career as a commercial illustrator, he has evolved a fine art practice through his experimentation with conceptual pieces, scale and the exploration of various mediums.
Jeroen Erosie - Ad Infinitum Zine
Hookedblog just took delivery of the latest publication from our friends at featuring the work of artist Erosie. We are big fans here of artist printed zines and for a number of years now we have been following the independently published...
Erosie & Martyn In London
London based Spine TV caught up with Martyn and Erosie to talk about the ‘Ghost People’ project ahead of Martyn’s album release on Brainfeeder. London promoters Black Atlantic hosted the UK leg of the tour, which saw artist Erosie transforming...
Nofussjustphotosbelfast2 — 45rpm
Our good friend 45RPM from the What Collective went on a painting spree in Belfast for the second year in a row. This trip saw Howl, Inkie, Ponk, Roid, Erosie, Remed and a load more heads join the Bristol based artist on the trip. Check the madness in...
Chapter One Gallery Launch Party
We are super excited about the opening of Tim , Al and Luc's new gallery venture Chapter One. The Soho based gallery opens its doors tonight 01 October with a mandate to revolutionise the way contemporary art is exhibited, commoditised and ultimately...
Jagbags Web Shop
Our good friends over at Jaguar Shoes have launced an online bigcartel web shop. Lots of great zines and other printed stuff for you to buy including some great screen prints from Erosie. To commemorate the current French exhibit, Destined to Fester,...
Street Arts