Street Arts
End Of The Line's Shades Of Things To Come Show

Opening later this week, End of the Line presents ‘'Shades of Things to Come'’, an exploration into the contemporary world of freehand graffiti. They have selected incredible artists from across Europe who they believe push the boundaries of freehand aerosol art. Each of the eight artists have a unique, individual style and represents a different discipline of dirty handstyles and technical dexterity. Artist's show include Tizer, Probs, Biser, Aryz, Nychos, Does, Rabodiga and Bom.K.
The Maverik Showroom on Redchurch Street in Shoreditch will play host to this not-to-be-missed event. The entire gallery will be completely transformed with full-scale artwork, canvases, installations, sculpture, productions in mixed-media and artists in residence painting live over the course of the exhibition.
Preview 24TH November 2009 - Doors open at 6PM.
[email protected]The show will run until the 29th November 2009.
MAVERIK SHOWROOM | 68-72 Redchurch Street | E2 7DP
Best Ever — London Solo Show
Later tonight sees the opening of 'Some Anatomies of Melancholy', Bournemouth / London duo Best Ever’s first full solo show. Featuring all new works on wall, canvas and in 3D, this special exhibition will demonstrate the duo’s exquisite mastery...
Meeting Of Styles 2009
Tomorrow sees the start of this years London 'Meeting of Styles'. A two day live painting event of epic proportions on running over two days, Friday 5th and Saturday 6th June 2009. 60 of the best aerosol artists from across the UK and Europe have...
Goldie: The Kids Are All Riot
His long awaited 28 colour Screenprint "Apocalypse Angel" will also be realeased to coincide with the show to feature a recent retospective of the artist's prolific works. The exhibition will run from 10th until 26th April. The Maverik Showroom |...
Runway Exhibition
The Maverik Showrooms presents a new exhibition this week titled "Runway". Runway is an exhibition of capricious, large scale drawings and prints by Gillian Westgate that celebrate aero-flights and fantasy. The series of work incorporates ink, painting,...
The World Is Yours
Checked out this fantastic photographic show over the weekend at the newly opened Maverik Showrooms on Red Church Street in East London. "The World is yours", is the first major exhibition at this new space and features the photography of the renowned...
Street Arts