Street Arts
End Of The Line Show Photos
Rabodiga, originally uploaded by Hookedblog.Popped down the the End Of The Line's Shades Of Things To Come exhibition on Red Church Street. (blogged here).
Some fantastic work on show from a very talented artists. The Rabodiga piece pictured above was stunning. If you are in London tomorrow make the effort to go and see this group show as it is the last day of the group exhibition tomorrow.
We have uploaded our photos from the show over on our flickr here.
MAVERIK SHOWROOM | 68-72 Redchurch Street | E2 7DP
The Talking Walls Of Buenos Aires Show Photos
We posted about The Talking Walls of Buenos Aires exhibition at the start of the month currently on show at the LondonNewcastle Project Space on Redchurch Street. This fantastic show opened last Thursday to a packed out crowd which considering the scale...
Spqr — Monochromatic Shades Photos
We have uploaded a set of photos over on our Hookedblog flickr of English stencil artist SPQR's Monochromatic show {blogged here} currently running at The Signal Gallery. The show is open to the public, Tuesday — Saturday 12 - 6pm until the 02 October...
Grems, Zbiok, Remed, 3ttman Photos
, by HookedblogWe have just uploaded the first set of photos we took down at the Pure Evil gallery over the week. Featured is work from GREMS, ZBIOK, REMED, 3TTMAN in a show entitled "The New Fantastic Four". {Blogged here} View the our set of photos...
Heavy Artillery – Haters Show Pictures
Nylon - Money Bags, uploaded by nolionsinengland.We haven't had the chance to get to Bighton yet and see the Heavy Artillery – Haters Show at Prescription Art Gallery (blogged here), but our friend Nolionsinengland over at Graffoto blog was there...
The World Is Yours
Checked out this fantastic photographic show over the weekend at the newly opened Maverik Showrooms on Red Church Street in East London. "The World is yours", is the first major exhibition at this new space and features the photography of the renowned...
Street Arts