Street Arts
Clutter Magazine Anniversairy

The UK based toy magazine Clutter celebrates their first year in print with the launch of issue 7 of the magazine. In this special issue they have lined up an interview with James Jarvis, who's also designed the cover for this anniversary issue.
The magazine is available direct from the website here:
In addition to the release of the anniversary issue, Clutter have managed to persuade the geneticists at Amos Toys to splice a Clutter gene with the DNA of King Ken to produce his Royal Pinkness King Ken IV.

This Clutter edition of the classic James Jarvis creation promises to be the toy of the year.
With strictly limited availability, King Ken IV will not be available at all the usual toy outlets. He will be released at San Diego's Comic Con International in July. So if you are not planning a summer trip to southern California, the only way to guarantee yourself a pink primate is to pre-order yours from the Clutter website.
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Street Arts