Street Arts
Cleaning day
Luckily for my small size, I can get up close and personal when cleaning.

It's always fun to clean the giant turkey,

organize the fridge,

and do the dishes.
I always remember to bring my swimsuit ;)
Cleaning Day
Cleaning day usually consists of Moo pulling down the things I just hung up,getting hair in everything I just cleaned, breaking things I just put together, and making a mess...a really big mess! Oh well, I suppose making snow angels on a floor full...
I missed my transfer flight and was stuck in an empty Memphis airport all day.So I grabbed a pen and some paper and started writing little happy notes to hide around the airport for people to find.I even left some in the bathrooms for the janitors to...
Fridge galleries have always been my life saver. It gives you something to look at when you're feeling ridiculously awkward at someone's houseour old fridgenew ! no one will be feelin awkward at our place!...
Saki And Bitches Stencil Club
This weekend in East London street artist SAKI&Bitches will open up her studio to the public for her 'SAKI & Bitches Stencil Club'. Taking place over two days the event will see Saki & Bitches giving people access to her collection...
Dalston Banksy Trashed
Banksy, by invisiblemadevisible We headed up to Dalston's Gillett Square today, to snap one of the newest Banksy stencils. Having being up on the streets of East London for less than a week this is what we found this afternoon. The piece had been...
Street Arts