Street Arts
Calibrating Delinquency

Calibrating Delinquency is a show of new paintings by sheOne and O.Two. The exhibition is part of the DESIGNERS BLOCK : ILLUSTRATE event and will run from 15th until 23rd of September.
DESIGNERS BLOCK : ILLUSTRATE will showcase work from over 80 leading illustrators, artists, designers and film makers. 40 Commercial units have been illustrated together with outside space, Installations, short films, live art performances, web and graphics based work and workshops. Including works by Airside, Daydream Network, Debut Art, I Love Dust, Kenn Goodall, Oliver Hibbert, Sickboy, Tado, Vault49, Will Barras and Zip. Public participation in drawing, bar, music and club nights.
Nearest Tube - Hollaway Road ( Picadilly line )
(turn right out of the tube - 1 minute from station)
Superette Gallery Launch Show
The Art is Proof Press is a small collective of designers and illustrators, who for the past two years they put on annual exhibitions of screen printing and print sales. Tonight they are taking over Superette, a new exhibition and events space just...
The Date Farmers @ Pow
Tomorrow the 23rd is the last day of the The Date Farmers show at Pictures On Walls space in East London. The exhibition was part of their The Fiesta Resistance, a month long Central American themed street art showdown! {blogged here}. As part of the...
Curated by Progress Packaging, Re-bag is an exhibition of limited edition reusable canvas bags designed by 15 leading UK design practitioners. Designers responded to a brief to create an image for a bag on the theme of sustainability and reusability....
If You Could Do Anything...........
If you could' is an annual publication set up by designers Will Hudson and Alex Bec. Aiming to showcase the best in design and illustration, their second issue has just dropped today the 5th July. The work within is the result of an open call for...
My Brand
MY BRAND the traveling design exhibition opened in Berlin last week. The photos from the opening and the show are now online to view at the MY BRAND website. More than 30 designers were comissioned for the MY BRAND project. Some of the designer invited...
Street Arts