Street Arts
busy busy

It's been such a busy but fun week full of shooting, editing, and cats!

The new Knitting Factory

Wallace Shawn

The Amsterdam Pavilion

adorable family shoot

getting our passports ready to leave the country
cute couple shoot
tasty food

Central Park
and an exciting wedding!

I'm very thankful for tasty donuts and Moo for keeping me company all week while I edit. It would be very lonely without them!
How has your week been? Any exciting or silly stories? I'd love to hear!
Happy Birthday, Blog!
Color me Katie turned 1 year old this week!I originally started this blog to have a place to put my photos rather than hide them away on my hard drive forever. I thought my only reader would be myself but now a year later I've had almost half a million...
Kid Acne X Dscreet — Art Fags
It would appear Kid Acne is keeping himself busy on his trip to London. We have already covered his 'Art Fags' paste-ups earlier in the week, which started popping up around East London over the weekend. And yesterday while we were out and about...
Lyrics And Type Exhibition
Hope all our readers had a fun/relaxed bank holiday weekend and are well rested as it is looking set to be a busy week here in London with some fantastic shows opening on Thursday 8 April. First up is "Lyrics and type - Verse 2" an international...
Elbow Toe Hits The Streets Of London
Elbow Toe, by invisiblemadevisible Elbow Toe was in town for the Ways of Seeing exhibition (blogged here) over the week and managed to find some time to hit up the streets of East London with some very beautiful paste ups. Unfortunately the council...
Back In London
Right we have returned to London. Just back from a family wedding in Ireland, with over 250 people in attendance it was certainly one to remember. Lots on this week here in London. Check back later....
Street Arts