Street Arts
Busk, Bleach & Zadok - Legit Work November 2009

Legit Work...
Old Skool Graffiti Artists Busk, Zadok and Bleach were commissioned to paint this wall in West London. Its taken about three weeks to create freehand so the lads were happy to finish the project and move up plans for their next projects. Full interviews with the lads coming up in LSD along with a series of shots from my time with the lads...
PS: Renowned street artist T.wat came down and took some shots, thats him in the green jacket shooting the wall
Best / Ever - Delicacy Of Passion Show 1st July-1st August
Respected Street Artists, Graffiti Writers, Photo Realists... Best / Ever are currently showing some of their amazing new works in London's Westend. We interviewed the lads in LSD Issue 4 so if you want more info on the lads go here
Busk, Zadok, Neil (best Ever) In Studio
We were visiting Zadok's studio last week and found him, Neil (Best Ever), Busk and someone else that wishes to remain anonymous working on individual projects. Zadok was sketching his next huge pieces, Neil was finishing a piece for the ex-fatherinlaw ...
Watchmen World Premiere - Graffiti Timelapse
Painted by Busk,Bleach,Zadok & Probs... This 5 minute timelapse video was made for the Watchmen film world premiere at the Odeon in Leicester Square.Painted over 4 days,the artists had to paint on piece a day,then re-paint over it the next day. The...
Shift-work — Under The Westway
Having been away since last Thursday we almost missed posting this event in West London titled 'Shift Work'. Pure Evil, Blek Le Rat, Busk, Bleach, Ben Eine, Stan & Lex, Zadok, C215, T.Wat, Eyesaw, Copyright and Absoluv have been invited to...
Bleach Interview On Ukadapta
The April issue of online magazine UKAdapta has launched and includes an interview with Graffiti artist Bleach. You can read the interview here. Once you've fiinished reading the interview over on UKAdapta check out more of Bleach's work over...
Street Arts