Street Arts
Banksy Crude Oil Exhibition

Banksy presents his new show this week titled:
' Banksy presents Crude Oils" A gallery of re-mixed masterpieces, vandalism and vermin. The show is set to open this week and run for 12 days in a yet undisclosed location. Check online throughout the week for location details.
UPDATE:The location of this Banksy show has now been announced and can be found at 100 Westbourne Groove, London W2.
Despite the threat of legal action, the show was cleared by the Environmental health services yesterday after being called by neighbouring businesses who reacted badly to the arrival of 200 live black rats. They will live in the glass fronted shop for the duration of the two week show.
Stencil Artist Jps Hits East London
Earlier this week saw the appearance of some new stencil work in East London close to Hackney Downs overland station. As with any other new stencil work on the street the name of Banksy always rings out and twitter was awash with talk of a possible new...
New Banksy Street Art - 'tox' In Camden
A new piece of Banksy street art appeared on the artists website early this morning and within hours the location of the new stencil street art work had been leaked online. Located in Camden Town, London which is also home to 26-year-old graffiti artist/tagger...
Banksy Movie Hype!!
Latest Banksy - Wide, by RomanyWG With the new movie "Exit Throught The Gift Shop" set to go on general release on the 5th March, looks like the Banksy hype machine is kicking into full swing. Two weeks of invite only screenings at the Lambeth Palace...
Banksy Time Out London Cover
We are looking forward to checking out the new Banksy movie "Exit Through the Gift Shop" tomorrow in the pop-up cinema Banksy has built in Leake Street. The movie itself goes on generally release next week, March 5th. To tie in with the release of the...
Dalston Banksy Trashed
Banksy, by invisiblemadevisible We headed up to Dalston's Gillett Square today, to snap one of the newest Banksy stencils. Having being up on the streets of East London for less than a week this is what we found this afternoon. The piece had been...
Street Arts