Street Arts
1980 Crew Exhibition

This Thursday sees the first in a series of Exhibitions at the PURE EVIL GALLERY on Leonard Street.
March 13th see the 1980 Crew - Chanoir blonde keuz, from Paris/Barcelona take over the gallery.
Pure Evil Gallery | 108 Leonard st, | London EC2A 4RH
Pure Evil — London Solo Show
"Strange Girls" is the name of London artist Pure Evil's new solo show at the Pure Evil Gallery. The show opens this Thursday 1 July and runs until the 13 July 2010.Private View Thurday 1 July 6 — 9pm. More info on the Pure Evil Gallery website....
Zbiok, Remed, Grems, 3ttman
Opening this Thursday at The Pure Evil Gallery is "the New Fantastic 4", a group show featuring some of Europe's finest. The show will feature new ZBIOK, GREMS, REMED, 3TTMAN. The artist's along with Pure Evil have produced a comic book for the...
Dscreet Solo Show
Dscreet has been hitting up the streets of East London for the last few years with his colourful Owls. Saturday the 13th December sees the opening of his first solo show titled " WORD UP" at the Pure Evil Gallery. The exhibition kicks off with a private...
Deadbeat Donny
Deadbeat Donny's first solo show will open this evening at the Pure Evil Gallery, on Leonard Street with a private view from 6.30 - 9pm. please RSVP: cue [at] Pure Evil Gallery | 108 Leonard st | London EC2A 4RH...
The Krah Exhibition
The Krah's first solo show here in London opens this Thursday 22nd May with a private view at The Pure Evil Gallery. The show will run until the 4th of June. For more info visit Pure Evil. To see more of The Krah's work visit his Flickr site....
Street Arts