Street Arts
[weAREtheIMAGEmakers] ISSUE 13

[weAREtheIMAGEmakers] is an Australian online magazine that focuses on promoting Australian creative talent. They have just released their newest issue number 13, which features interviews with some of our favourite Australian Street artist, Ghostpatrol, Junior and illustrator Brooke Bobridge. Also interviewed is photographer Nick mcArthur and rock poster artist Ken Taylor.
Check the newest issue here.
Ghostpatrol Future Notes Book
Don't you love it when your postman shows up at your door with a package for you, especially when it's travelled all the way from Melbourne, Australia. Hookedblog have just got our hands on a copy of the Future Notes II book featuring the work...
Vna Issue 12 — Now Online
The newest issue of VNA Magazine 12 launched at Pure Evil Gallery on Thursday.We haven't seen the magazine yet but from the few spreads we have seen it lots like they have put together another fantastic issue with interviews from ROA, Kevin Cyr,...
Ronzo Interview
The August issue of UKadapta is now online. East London based illustrator/ Street Artist Ronzo gets interviewed in this months issue, check it over here....
Very Nearly Almost Issue 4
Just got my copy of the newest issue of Very Nearly Almost Magazine in the post yesterday. This is the fourth issue of Very Nearly Almost and the best one yet. A photozine documenting the ever changing London street art scene, the newest issue is a whooping...
We Are Image Makers
Issue 08 of [weAREtheIMAGEmakers] is now online featuring interviews with kill pixie, luke feldman, dyzla, jirat james patradoon and andrew stark, aswell as artwork and photography from a selection of aussie creatives in the gallery sections....
Street Arts