WE"RE STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Street Arts

WE"RE STILL HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the lack of postings, we have been having trouble uploading images since last wednesday. All appears to be working fine and normal service will resume.

- Fame Festival Update
DSCN0127.JPG, by Giacomo MoleriApologies for the lack of updates on the blog, we are still in the South Of Italy at this years Fame Festival, in Grottaglie. We have had limited internet access the last few day and gave up trying to upload photos. Normal...

- Happy Holidays
Right, we are back in London after a quick trip to Ireland for the holidays where we drank and ate lots and lots. We hope all our readers had an enjoyable holiday. Normal service will now resume....

Wow, its nearly been a week since we last posted anything here, appoligies but we haven't had any internet access for the last few days, hopefully getting that sorted in a week or two. We wil try and resume the daily postings as soon as possible....

- Holidays
Appoligies for the lack of updates this week, I am on holiday in the West of Ireland and have had limited access to the internet. Normal service will resume next week. If you are in London don't forget the Found show opens this evening at Leonard...

- No Sleep Til.......
Appoligies for the lack of updates, we are chillin in Brooklyn on a short holiday. Normal sevice will commence next week. Pictured above is an OS Geomes piece photographed in Williamsburg after its been hit up by the so called splasher, who has been...

Street Arts
