Things that make me smile
Street Arts

Things that make me smile

Making rainbow pancakes,
lovely reminders in the subway,
adorable umbrellas,

Darth Maul keeping up with celebrity gossip,
awkward finger puppets,

cat vs. dog staring contests,
people that blend in with their environment,

funny signs on how to dress at the beach,
Wall of books!
walls made of books,
Hey baby...
skinny guys,
a waitress slipping this sweet note under the check,
and cozy book store weddings!

- Things That Make Me Happy
Underwear parties, Charlie, the newest addition to my family,mailing kisses, really, really, tall people, looking at people, looking at art, the children's section of the book store, adorable couples, finding excuses to buy rainbow cookies......

I'm in love with a song right now called Mr. Blue. We all know what it's like to have really down days so it inspired me to make a little something for people to smile.  So I took in these rocks,painted hearts on them, and then brought them...

- You!
On this pretty rainy day, I thought it would be fun to learn more about you. The first thing to make you smile today: Your favorite thing to do:Favorite Memory:Where you want to be right now: Copy and paste this into the comments and let's share some...

- Interview
The lovely Jess at interviewed me about some of the most important rules that I live by. Here's a few that I came up with! Be CreativeIt's important for me to express myself creatively every day. I have all of these fun ideas...

- Happiness
Soda machines with a sense of humor,leaving little reminders in public places, the way Moo thinks no one can see him,the determination of finding your favorite ice cream at the bottom of a freezer,little girls in big dresses,big people in little showers,seeing...

Street Arts
