Snow Hunk
Street Arts

Snow Hunk

The city is covered with perfect snowman making snow.
Since we don't have a backyard, I hopped out on our fire escape and made our little buddy right there!

I couldn't resist.
and apparently neither could Matty.

- Cleaning Day
Cleaning day usually consists of Moo pulling down the things I just hung up,getting hair in everything I just cleaned, breaking things I just put together, and making a mess...a really big mess! Oh well, I suppose making snow angels on a floor full...

- Paper
I've been asked a whole bunch about what kind of paper I use and how I put it up on my walls so I thought I'd let you all know! My favorite paper to play with is Canson Colorline poster board. They have bright colors and cute names like Canary,...

- Moo
Matty and I have been waking up to the sounds of hammering the past few nights. So last night I hopped out of bed and quietly followed a trail of tools on the floor... which led me to Moo!Apparently, he's been busy building himself a bachelor's...

- Fun Snow
We had a giant blizzard this weekend. Unfortunately, the snow here turns brown and disgusting real quick but I decided that I wouldn't let that happen this time!So I filled a few spray bottles with colored water and went around my neighborhood spraying...

- Monday
I love city snow storms! (even though the snow turns brown almost immediately)...

Street Arts
