Street Arts


I made a bunch of flowers out of scraps of fabric.

I'm not sure whether I should hang them on my walls, make them into fun pins, or just use them to decorate Moo!

- Night Gardening
Last Wednesday was my 25th birthday and I really wanted to celebrate by making something pretty for my block. In front of my building there's this little square of dirt and weeds that has been there forever. In a city where almost everything...

- A Few Things That Make Me Happy
flowers that seem to smile,decorating burritos like I would decorate a cake,shopping cart street art, my new intern, trees with a sense of fashion,forcing embarrassing butterfly tattoos onto my brother's arm,Moo's thinking face when he's...

- Paper
I've been asked a whole bunch about what kind of paper I use and how I put it up on my walls so I thought I'd let you all know! My favorite paper to play with is Canson Colorline poster board. They have bright colors and cute names like Canary,...

- Grandma
My lovely grandma has been really sick this week. One of the many things that I admire about her is that she loves to give people little presents for no reason. So in honor of grandma, I bought tons of pretty flowers and walked around my neighborhood...

- Friday
I'm so excited! Me and Matty bought our first ever real christmas tree.  When we got home we grabbed some glue and searched through our drawers for fun things to make decorations with. It's way more fun to make your own decorations than to buy...

Street Arts
