Russell Maurice & Daniel Sparkes — Meta Snout At High Rollers
Street Arts

Russell Maurice & Daniel Sparkes — Meta Snout At High Rollers

Exploring the transitions from life to death, physicality to non-physicality, and all that exists between reality and illusion, META SNOUT invites you to cross the threshold, snout first, into the alter worlds of Daniel Sparkes (Mudwig) & Russell Maurice for their first joint London exhibition.

Drawing upon the Golden Age of Hollywood animation, Maurice and Sparkes incorporate butchered, fragmentized cartoon elements that translate both as distilled renditions of ‘reality’, and as the entrails of a life of illusion. The theme of death permeates the scene and instills a metaphysical investigation, Scooby-Doo style. This is a case where anything goes; where alchemy gives way to tangible substance, and life-forms become landscapes. Their mission: combine and contradict, from one dimension to the next.

The doors to META SNOUT open with a Private View on Friday 15 October at High Roller Society.

The show will run from the 16 October – 13 November 2010
Private View 15 October 7:00-10:00pm

High Roller Society | 10 Palmers Road | London | E2 0SY

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Street Arts
