Rue Five Zines
Street Arts

Rue Five Zines

Forgot to blog this a few weeks ago and just came across them again. Got a package in the post with some great zines from Scottish artist/illustrator Rue Five.Rue Five was in London last month and painted at the second Cans Festival with fellow Scottish artist Elph. You can see the Can's work here.

The package I got, contained two zines, one which was produced by Analogue Books as part of their Running Amok self published series of zines; the other a self published zine titled "Something's Wrong Zine". Both zine are now sold out but I suggest checking his website and online shop on a regular basis for new zines.

- Visual Distraction Zine Volume 02
Sorting through the papers and mail next to our computer today we rediscovered a package from artist The Real Dill. The package arrived just as we were heading off out the door on a trip to Milan and it was only this afternoon that we found time to work...

- Zine Swap Shop
Zineswap aims to be a resource through which people can swap their zines with one-another. It also aims to become a vast archive of contemporary zine publishing, existing as both an online catalogue and an annual exhibition. Next saturday, November 1st...

- Hooked Shop
Some self-promotion here, we have opened an online Etsy shop under the Hooked banner and will be selling a selection of zines that we have produced including the last few copies of the above Hooked Zine. Also available is the Hooked colab zine with Red5standingby...

- Le Dilly
Finally got around to posting this picture. Above is a shot of some of the awesome zines I picked up at the zine sale at Jagbags a few weeks back organised by the Zine King PMH. One of the zines I picked up was a new Mike Swaney zine which PMH has released...

- Smile! It's A Zine Sale
We all love handmade zines and are delighted to see that PMH creator of the Dilly zine will be having a Zine Sale this weekend. On Saturday 26th May from 2pm he will be selling selected zines at Jagbags. If you have created your own zine, you are invited...

Street Arts
