Past Residents and Community Outreach Projects
Street Arts

Past Residents and Community Outreach Projects

Past Residents include:

Frances Bradly
Louise Barteau Chodoff
Zoe Cohen
Jessica Doyle
Pheralyn Dove
Edward M. Epstein
Jennifer Ferrell
Laureen Griffin
Linda Goss
Jerushia Graham
Theodore A. Harris
Christopher Hartshorne
Jacqueline Holloway
Grace Hyunyung Jung
Delia King
Betty Leacraft
Sinae Lee
Jill Maio
Wil Medearis
Philip Ofili
Alex Paik
Jonathan Prull
Michael B. Schwartz
Gretchen Shannon
Kate Stewart
Mary Tasillo
Lee Tusman
Jeremy C Vaughn
Elysa Voshell
Shira Walinsky
Scott White

Residents from the Fall 2007 round completed the following projects:

Frances Bradley taught an illustration class to youth and adults at the Southwest Community Enrichment Center. The class focused on using art to counter negative media images of African Americans.

Pheralyn Dove taught language skills to students at Shaw Middle School as part of the Sonia Sanchez Literacy Program.

Laureen Griffin’s project, entitled “Gender Portraiture,” invited various members of the community to pose for photographs wearing costumes that challenged gender norms. Laureen also facilitated discussions of gender issues as part of her Trans-gression group and held a forum with University of Pennsylvania professor Heather Love on the same topic.

Michael B. Schwartz facilitated the creation of a community mural at The Rotunda. Various groups in West Philadelphia participated in the design and execution of this very colorful work, called “Collective Imprints,” which now adorns the balconies of The Rotunda’s performance space.

Past residents' outreach efforts include:

a curriculum on printmaker Dox Thrash taught by Christopher Hartshorne in collaboration with Shaw Middle School teacher Pam Toller

an art class taught by Sinae Lee for clients of Drexel Community Health Services

a puppet-making workshop for clients at a drug rehabilitation facility offered by Jonathan Prull in conjunction with Spiral Q Puppet Theater

a book arts workshop at the Southwest Community Enrichment Center offered by Mary Tasillo

Zoë Cohen’s interactive public art work, “Listening Station,” conducted at various sites in West Philadelphia including the International House

drawing and painting workshops conducted at Jennifer Ferrell’s studio with elementary-grade students from Dolores Gmitter’s class at Powel School

an African-based textile dyeing project conducted by Betty Leacraft in collaboration with Shaw Middle School teacher Pam Toller

a computer animation curriculum taught by Scott White in conjunction with Sadie Alexander/Penn partnership school teacher Cara Crosby

a book-making workshop taught by Elysa Voshell at the Sadie Alexander/Penn partnership school

a mural project at the Pearl Street Walkway (55th and Vine Streets) designed by Alex Paik and Kate Stewart

a tapestry project at Cliveden Convalescent Center led by Linda Goss and Gretchen Shannon

a found-object sculpture project led by Jill Maio in Dolores Gmitter’s class at Powel School

a mural created by Delia King at Vare Recreation Center, 26th and Morris Streets; a reverse glass project created by youth at Safe Haven, 57th and Race Streets, with assistance from Delia King

classes taught by Lee Tusman at the Red Cross House at 40th Street and Powelton Avenue

bookmaking classes by Jerushia Graham at the People’s Emergency Center (PEC)

a Mural project by Grace Jung at the Police Athletic League (PAL)

comic book illustration classes by Jeremy Vaughn at Bryant School

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- Current Residents (april 2008 - April 2009)
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Street Arts
