Street Arts


My brother David had his birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese's and although It's supposed to be just for kids..
I think us adults had way more fun!

(My brother Mike is the big guy squeezing into all the kiddie rides and my stepmom is the one kicking all the kid's butts at air hockey)

- Mall Santa Musical
You know how around Christmas time, Santa shows up at the mall and kids get to sit on his lap and tell him what they'd like for Christmas? Well us adults want to sit on Santa's lap too, you know. So for our latest Improv Everywhere mission, we...

- Birthday Boy!
Happy birthday little brother! He prides himself on looking bigger than me on the outside...but I'll always know on the inside that I'm exactly 1 year, 11 months, 18 days (10 hours and 2 minutes) older than him. he..he..he.. ...

- Christmas Eve
My little brother is so funny...He left out cookies AND chapstick for Santa Clause. You know, just incase he gets chapped lips from flying around all night.He also left out cheese for the reindeer and crackers for the "reiniguanas". Because apparently...

- My Cousin's Wedding
This is my stepmom and my lil' brother David. They did the Evolution of Dance as their first dance as husband and wife. How fun is that?My pops David's goal was to dance with every girl at the wedding. When I asked to dance with him a second...

- Robots Are Go!!!
A date for your xmas diary. "Robots Are Go" fancy dress party at Dreambags Jaguar Shoes feturing music from Psychodelia and The Ward plus The Stool Pigeon Crew. The party will also feature the premier of the new Robots In Disguise video which has been...

Street Arts
