New Walk: Concrete Paris
Street Arts

New Walk: Concrete Paris

This walk, created in association with Pocket Guide, explores early 20th century architecture in the 16th arrondissement, but is also a trip across two villages that stood just outside of Paris until the middle of the 19th century; Auteuil and Passy.

Traditionally seen as one of the most bourgeois and quietest parts of Paris, the 16th arrondissement is nevertheless home to a fascinating range of architectural styles. On this walk you’ll see the tail-end of the Art Nouveau movement, Art Deco inspiration and the widest selection of modernist constructions in the city. Along the route you will discover creations by Le Corbusier, Mallet Stevens, Auguste Perret and Pierre Patout amongst others, but the surrounding environments in which these creations were built is also brought into focus.

The history of this period also enables an understanding of the constructions and the development of the city. When relevant, descriptions also offer a look back in time or outwards to other aspects that will help you better situate the various designs and movements in their contexts. 

How to download and launch the walking tour
  1. Download the free Pocket Guide app to a smart device;
  1. After downloading, launch the application.
  2. Type Paris into the search field then click on the picture of the city.
  3. Download the Concrete Paris tour
  4. When completed, click on the Start button and the chosen tour launches automatically. 

About Pocket Guide

The PocketGuide application gives you access to walking tours in dozens of cities across the globe, all produced by local experts. It is the first application to work automatically, guiding you through the city by voice, just like a real tour guide. No more fiddling with small text on your screen!

Throughout your tour you can also record your experiences (photos, videos, personal commentary...etc) then create a 3D video.

Once you have downloaded the tour, the application can work in offline mode, meaning that you don't have to pay roaming charges.

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    Street Arts

