My weekend
Street Arts

My weekend

I pretty much worked non stop all weekend and although I'm a bit tired, hungry, and completely sunburned.... it was awesome!


Thanks for sharing over 500 things that make you guys smile. Whenever I had time I would check in and get a fun energy boost from all of your comments. I picked a few people at random to send a special gift to in the mail!

Dear sunburn... you were totally worth it.

- A Love Letter To My Dresses
Dear pretty dresses, I love you oh so much. Your bright colors make me smile, and wearing you makes me want to twirl. Without you my walls would feel lonely, my Moo cat would have no bed,and I would have nothing to wear!...

- The Chalk Walk
This weekend I thought it would be fun to add some color to my block! So I went outside and traced my footsteps with chalk down the sidewalk.As I was doing this, a grumpy old man came up to me and yelled at me to stop. I actually thought about stopping...

- Winter Is Coming!
It may be freezing outside but there's a million reasons to love winter: hot chocolate, pretty christmas lights, excuses to get lots of warm hugs... My favorite thing is that I get to wear fun colorful tights! So let's play a game, what's...

- You!
On this pretty rainy day, I thought it would be fun to learn more about you. The first thing to make you smile today: Your favorite thing to do:Favorite Memory:Where you want to be right now: Copy and paste this into the comments and let's share some...

- Happiness
Soda machines with a sense of humor,leaving little reminders in public places, the way Moo thinks no one can see him,the determination of finding your favorite ice cream at the bottom of a freezer,little girls in big dresses,big people in little showers,seeing...

Street Arts
