LSD Press Release 101
Street Arts

LSD Press Release 101


Out now is a brand new, totally free online magazine born out of the explosion of creative ideas in the public spaces around us, reclaiming the corporate cityscape, piercing the anaesthetised commute and flooding walls and spirits alike with colour and the power of ideas. LSD – London Street-Art Design magazine weaves the threads of the modern underground into a kaleidoscope of ideas, insights, articles, features, wit so cutting you could crack a warehouse with it and a cast of switched on reprobates at the helm always on the lookout for talent, creativity, lateral thinking and fresh angles.

The magazine will be bringing the concepts and currents behind the art alive, reflecting and helping to generate the creativity so vibrant in our streets today. Intuition and insight served up like you never thought of it but always knew it. Our culture crystallised online with contributions from writers, street artists, poets, DJ's, urban philosophers, producers, the odd visionary genius and all round geezas.....Keeping us connected to the world around us...The bi monthly magazine is available at and like any spontaneous, organic and roots based project, looks forward to welcoming collaborators and contributors of all perspectives and backgrounds and building a virtual bus Ken Kesey could never even have dreamed of..

Much Love

Wayne Anthony (Class of 88) & Sirius 23

YouTube Viral Video:
YouTube Video:

PS: If you are an artist, writer, or street art photographer and would like to contribute please get in touch

Thanks for all the Fish

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Street Arts
