loughborough junction - making of
Street Arts

loughborough junction - making of

Work; the 7 Bridges Mural - making of from Jola Kudela on Vimeo.

- Mini Documentary
Radar contacted me about making a mini documentary on my street art!They followed me around all day and documented me at home,making my thought bubbles, and my shadows!Click here to see the fun video!  You'll see my process of making my street art...

- Rynek I Sztuka
http://rynekisztuka.pl/2012/08/09/jola-kudela-i-niewierny-tomasz/ Jola Kudela i „Niewierny Tomasz”Opublikowane w 9 sierpnia 2012Przez Olga PiskleiwczArtyści, Sztuka w Polsce, Wydarzenia Ostatnio głośno jest o sztuce Joli Kudeli....

- Doubting Thomas In Warsaw - Making Of
DOUBTING THOMAS by Yola in Warsaw from Jola Kudela on Vimeo....

- Sw. Sebastian - Zabkowska 1 Warszawa
a Roman soldier tortured to death because of his sexual orientation. It’s an image and a symbol that has been interpreted millions of times in paintings, photography and film.  My Saint Sebastian is a modern person in black underwear,  someone...

- Renaissance Dans Le Street Art
Le 5 septembre pendant la fete de la rue Ząbkowska, Création de Jola Kudela: 10 chefs-d'œuvre choisis dans l'Histoire de la Peinture seront encollés sur les murs, dans des rues du quartier renommé Praga situé dans le vieux Varsovie. Ce...

Street Arts
