Lava Gallery Opening - London
Street Arts

Lava Gallery Opening - London

We're excited to announce the opening of LAVA Gallery. After a year spent staging pop up events in temporary locations, we're happy to have somewhere we can call our own. Following the success of the Ashes 57 show in October, we decided that Kingly Court would be a good place for us to open our first permanent art space. We'll be selling originals and prints from our international network of artists. We’ll also be using the gallery as a base from which to to co-ordinate a new series of pop up shows in vacant shops throughout the Soho area.

The grand opening of LAVA Gallery is on Saturday 4th December. Barefoot Wine have kindly offered to sponsor the occasion, so stop by anytime from 2pm onwards to enjoy a glass or two with us. 

Our opening show will feature artwork by; Ashes 57, Bruno 9li, Jo Peel, Stik, Neck Face, Swoon, Vhils, Cleon Peterson and Kill Pixie.

Shout out to artists:
We are currently seeking submissions from artists who wish to have their work shown at LAVA Gallery. If you want your work to be considered, please send pictures & info to our Art Director: [email protected]

With Love,

LAVA Collective

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Street Arts
