lalalala love
Street Arts

lalalala love

Want to see something beautiful?
The next time you see a bunch of people getting ready to take a group picture...

stand behind them.

That's where all the love is!

Sometimes you can tell how much people love each other without even seeing their faces.

- 100 Pets
This is my favorite picture I've ever taken!Last year I shot 100 strangers in 3 hours. It was so much fun to meet all these new people and create an image that brings them all together.Then last night I took a picture of this lil' fellow. It's...

- Tuesday
Doesn't this place seem like a fairy tale?The walls are covered with leaves and rain drops fall from the ceiling!  I absolutely LOVE shooting weddings is there anything better than being around love, happiness, and laughter for a day? When someone...

- Pinky's Valentines Love
More Valentine's Art releated goods, this time Brighton based artist Pinky has been flexing his Samurai-Scalpel like skills once again and produced these Handcut one off original Love Hearts all made with 'pure love'. Each is signed by the...

- Dave The Chimp Loves You
With Valentines Day less than a month away, Dave the Chimp has produced this new lino print, titled "Love You", to take the hassle out of shopping, giving you more time for love! This two colour lino print, only available from Dave, measures 22 cms x...

- Faile Exhibition @ Lazarides Gallery
If you have been reading this blog for any length you will know we are big fans of Faile's work. We were delighted last week when we heard that they were having a show here in London. FAILE is an international collective of artists, famed for their...

Street Arts
