Street Arts

- #art4peace
from the Ali Lochhead blog: In this new paradigm of peace, there are many contributors, Phil Vernon explains. The organisation he heads up has nearly 30 years experience in the peacebuilding...

- - Interview ARTIST INTERVIEW: YOLA By Street Art SF Team on October 03, 2012  Also what is really cool is that other people start tagging your work, and your picture gets another life, a new context, and it starts to get...

____________________________________________________________________ Polish-born, London-based Jola Kudela has serious street cred — quite literally.A digital effects and animation specialist is also part-time traveling paste-up artist. Paste-up...

- Interview For Kosova
1. When did you start doing grafics?2. Did you have exhibitions, when where?3. As I saw you usually do graffitis on wall's of old houses. Tell me more about theplaces you do your artworks?4. What about the themes of your graffitis? The messages?5....

- Sw. Rodzina - Targowa
the holy family? Leonardo da Vinci painted The Virgin and Child with St Anne – I recreated the composition and changed only the models – used two modern girls. The picture became controversial in Poland, the viewers didn’t see the original...

Street Arts
