Hookedblog Top 50 for 2009
Street Arts

Hookedblog Top 50 for 2009

Inspired by our friend Luna Park's Top 30 (covered here), we have put together our Top 50 favorite shots of the year from our Invisiblemadevisible Flickr stream (not an easy task!). All the shots were taken on the Streets Of East London throughout the year. They are in no particular order, some are favorite pieces other we like the photos and the rest were picked for various reasons; content, colour, placement, texture!

Let's hope 2010 is as good a year as 2009 was. We would like to wish you our readers a very Happy New year from us here at Hookedblog. We will see ye on the flipside.

- Happy New Year
We would like to wish you our readers a very Happy New Year from us here at Hookedblog. We will see ye on the flipside....

- David Ellis Saints Flow Prints
Italian print-house Studio Cromie have just dropped two new prints from American based artist David Ellis. The print was created during the 2009 Fame Festival back in September. Both have been released as an edition of 25 and are two colour screenprint...

- Horfée Hits Up A London Van
After seeing the van flying past on a number of occasions, I finally managed to get a decent shot of this awesome Horfée vans that has been bombing about East London. This is one of a number of pieces from Horfée which have popped up just before New...

- Luna Park's Top 30 Favorites

- Were Back
Right were back in London, after a short trip to the wet and wild West of Ireland. Hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year. 2007 was a great year and 2008 is looking set to be just as good with two fantastic shows from Bast and fellow Irishman...

Street Arts
